Gamble Aware & Protecting Minors

Underage Gaming
Baji app is a legal platform available only to adult users over the age of 18. Opening an account and/or gambling on Baji when under the age of 18 is regarded as a crime. Baji verifies the age and maintains the right to do so at our discretion. The organization has a full right and obligation to conduct age verifications, which we take extremely seriously. Customers who have been requested to submit age verifications will be unable to utilize any of our payment solutions until the verification is completed. Baji retains the right to terminate your account while waiting for your age verification.
Please note that the company retains the right to forfeit all winnings and notify the appropriate authorities if any customers under the age of eighteen are discovered using any Baji services.
Filtering Systems
Baji firmly recommends and urges all of its clients to make sure that children do not visit any websites that provide e-gaming. Using filtering technologies, parents may control internet access according to predetermined standards. Parents may control internet usage and keep children away from e-gaming websites by using filtering technologies. After identifying the material on our website, filtering systems can block Baji’s access, which they can do since we label our website. Please look into utilizing parental filtering software to prevent young family members and friends from accessing Baji if your device is shared with them.